Online Resources

We have worked with several universities to develop bespoke online training resources, primarily at a postgraduate level.

Our online courses allow researchers to dip in and out of a bespoke course without having to invest a single extended block of time. Employers find our online resources particularly helpful as the same training material can be experienced by anyone, no matter how far away they are.

This is a cost-effective way for our training resources to reach a large number of people. Our highly competitive and simple pricing model means that you only pay once and then use the course forever at no extra cost.

Grounded in a specialised post-graduate qualification in technology-enhanced learning, we use a variety of techniques that can be delivered to work with any web platform.

Truly excellent! Very comprehensive in addressing a variety of areas and picking out key components that PhD students may be struggling with.

Training Courses / FIKA / Residential Retreats / Online Resources